Exactly what to focus on for better blood sugar & A1c results
Brief overview
Compared to other macronutrients, carbohydrates are the nutrient that influences blood sugar & A1c the most.
By focusing your attention on carbohydrates, you can get better blood sugar & A1c results.
Choosing the right type of carbohydrates, you can lower your blood sugar levels and keep them in the healthy range.
By doing this you can lower your blood sugar and A1c. Plus, you can reduce medications, lose weight and achieve other health benefits too – like lower cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, liver fat, and more!
>> In a few days, we’ll send you a simple Guide to Healthy Carbs.
Next, make sure you do the action steps below.
Refer to our recommended food list.
If you don’t have a copy, CLICK HERE to download it.
Focus on choosing foods in the Green and Orange sections of the food list; then KEEP DOING THAT.
If you haven’t got started, get started now!
Don’t make this ‘another thing’ you downloaded from the internet that sits in your computer.
USE THE FOOD LIST – it can really help you!
For Over a Decade, Our Proven Nutrition Strategies Have Been Transforming Lives!
“I wanted to see my A1c under 5.7 but my doctor told me that because of the medications I have to take, not to expect that to happen. I got great news today. My A1C is 5.8!! I am so grateful for DMP!”
“This way of eating works. Sugar numbers are down and Dr. has taken me off one of my medicines for 3 months to see how I will do.”
“It is so good to have help as I begin to make these dietary changes, especially after having wandered along without the nutritional guidance I need. So much out there it is difficult not to become overwhelmed. Meal planning and shopping has become so much easier. Thank you!”