Lower Blood Sugar Levels in 21 Days
Do You Need To Lower Blood Sugar Levels?
Or get yourself on track for 2022?
Join our 21 Day Lower Blood Sugar Challenge. Discover how to Eat to Treat Diabetes
Challenge registration is NOW CLOSED
The previous challenges saw:
- 85% of participants lower post-meal blood sugar levels
- 77% of participants lower fasting blood sugar levels
In just 21 days!
With type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, one of your most important goals is to lower blood sugar and A1c levels. And maintain those healthy levels too.
One of the best ways to do that is to ‘eat a healthy diet.’
But what exactly does that mean specifically for diabetes? And how do you lower blood sugar levels with the food you eat?
Great questions!
We understand that:
- You may be new to this and not know where to start…
- You may have been at this for a while but still struggling to get started or stay motivated…
- You may have read and researched so much stuff that your brain is scrambled…
- You may feel like your food choices are severely limited…
We’re here to help!

For 21 days we’re going to show you exactly how to Eat to Treat Diabetes.
All you have to do is get involved: commit to yourself for 21 days, participate in the activities, and apply what we share because we know what we share can help you get results.
Don’t take our word for it. Here’s what previous participants have to say:
Linda said: “I’m so proud of myself for sticking with the challenge for 21 days. I’ve lost weight and changed eating habits. I lost over 11 pounds (4.9kg) in 21 days, lowered after-meal blood sugar from 151-160 (8.4-8.9) down to under 140 (7.8), and morning sugars from 121-140 (6.7-7.8) down to 101-120 (5.6-6.7). I look forward to keeping it up.”
Larry said: “The most important achievement was the percentage of time I was in range now as compared to prior. Prior I would be in range approximately 55-60% of the time, now I”m in a range approximately 76-85% of the time.”
David said: “Lowered blood sugar from 141 to 150 (7.9 to 8.3) to under 140 after meals. I actually enjoyed doing this challenge. I learned about different foods that I don’t usually eat. I’m going to change things in my life.”
Angelina said: “Average after-meal blood sugar before the challenge 201 to 225 (11.2 to 12.5). Average after the challenge 161 to 170 (9.0 to 9.4). Fasting levels down from 181 to 225 (10.1 to 12.5) to 141 to 160 (7.9 to 8.9). I think you guys are doing a wonderful job with this I got so much useful information. Thank you so much I will continue to try with your help.”
Join The 21 Day Lower Blood Sugar Challenge
Challenge registration is NOW CLOSED
What’s the 21 Day Lower Blood Sugar Challenge About?
It’s about YOU getting results so you can feel confident knowing what to eat to lower your blood sugar levels and look after your health with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
We’re not promising you’ll reach your ultimate blood sugar and A1c goals in just 21 days. Our intention is to show you that it is possible to see results pretty fast, even if those results are small. Because when you see results and know exactly what to do to get them, you’ll feel motivated to keep moving forward.

During the challenge we’ll send you daily emails with details on what to do. Your only task is to commit to yourself for 21 days, participate in the activities, and apply what we share.
Over 21 days, Jan 10-Jan 30, we’ll share:
- How to get started with your diet plan
- Our recommended food list
- Sample meal plan (with recipes)
- Breakfast ideas (with recipes)
- Lunch ideas (with recipes)
- Dinner ideas (with recipes)
- Snacks & sweets (with recipes)
- How to monitor blood sugar levels and why it’s so important
- The perfect diet that brings the best results
- Plus, daily check ins with our nutritionists and the group for accountability, support and encouragement – the challenge is very interactive!
Your only task is to commit to yourself for 21 days and apply what we share.
If you do, you can get lower blood sugar numbers, like other participants have in the past.
Harriet said: “I liked doing the challenge. It helped a lot in lowering my morning levels from average 226-250 (12.6-13.9) to between 161-180 (9.0-10.0). Thank you for helping me.”
Margaret said: “At times my fasting levels were as high as 199 (11.1). After just 21 days my morning average is 121-140 (6.8-7.8) and my after-meal numbers are normal! I had never seen a number much below 120 (6.7)! It does work and I am very thankful for the advice & encouragement.”
Danette A said: “After-meal and fasting levels after the challenge within the normal healthy range. Loved this challenge!”
It’s Your Personal Challenge, Not a Competition
The 21 Day Lower Blood Sugar Challenge is called a challenge for a reason – it’s designed to challenge YOU to get you out of your comfort zone.
- You will be challenged to evaluate your current patterns and routines
- You will be challenged to look at food differently
- You will be challenged to open your mind and try new things
- You will be challenged to eat differently
- You will be challenged to change some of your habits
- You will be challenged to commit to yourself for 21 days
- You will be challenged to get results with your blood sugar and A1c
This is not a race on who can lower blood sugar the most or fastest – we certainly don’t want to see cases of hypoglycaemia. So please, go into this challenge with a realistic expectation and a sensible approach based on where you are right now.
If you are taking insulin or medications, you need to be particularly mindful and we encourage you to speak to your healthcare team before starting the challenge so you can discuss the potential changes you may need to make as you adjust your dietary routine. And just to be clear, you should never stop taking medications without your doctors consent.

IMPORTANT!!: If you’re not prepared to commit and challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone, this challenge is NOT for you. We only want you to join if you’re 100% committed to YOU.
Join The 21 Day Lower Blood Sugar Challenge
Challenge registration is NOW CLOSED
*Registration for the challenge closes on Jan 9th at 10PM US Eastern Time or your timezone equivalent – sorry, we won’t be making any exceptions.
Got questions? Please contact support.

from previous participants of the 21 Day Lower Blood Sugar Challenge
Audrey V: “I lowered after-meal numbers to normal range and fasting levels did get lower. I enjoy the recipes and never imagined eating vegetables for breakfast!!”
Jean: “It was great being part of the challenge and it helped me on regulating my blood sugar down to the healthy range. Following the new pyramid too will improve on my health without forgetting the different recipes.”
Maxine: “I got my numbers down to the normal range. I feel encouraged to know that if I watch what I eat, it does make a big difference. These relieves a lot of stress from worries that I will continual get worse.”
Shane: “Before the challenge my postprandial bs average 181 to 200 (10.1 to 11.1). After the challenge it reduced to normal range of 121 to 140 (6.8 to 7.8). Thanks for the information, it has proved very helpful.”
Doug W: “Fantastic challenge! It helped me to focus on eating healthy lower-carb meals. Diabetes and nutrition information very helpful, as well as meal suggestions. My postprandial blood sugar lowered from averages of 226 to 250 (12.6 to 13.9) and is now staying below 140 (7.8).”
Brenda: “This challenge was a great idea and an awesome way to support your followers during the toughest season of the year. Thank you for the brilliant timing, life changing information and support! You are saving lives!”
Mark: “A sincere and heart-felt “THANK YOU” to the DMP team for the support and information and the delicious recipes your program provides. I’ve been on the diabetic treadmill for several years with lots of ups and downs. I wish I had come across DMP much earlier in my journey. Your information is excellent, well presented, easy to understand and easy to implement. Your recipes are delicious, cover a wide range of tastes and stimulate my imagination to branch out and try my own recipes to stay within the diabetic guidelines and still provide healthy and tasty daily variety. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I am convinced that the secret to living a full, happy and “normal” life as a diabetic comes through education, understanding, and then diligent implementation of a healthy diet coupled with exercise. This 3 week “refresher” course has helped me get back on track and remind myself how easy it is to “slip” into bad habits, but more importantly, how easy it is to stay on track by focusing and being deliberate about daily good nutrition and health. It highlights the fact that one does not have to forlornly “live with” diabetes … one can have a very normal, healthy, active life in spite of body metabolism challenges. AGAIN … THANK YOU!.”
Terri: “While my numbers didn’t change much during the last 21 days, I became more aware of how foods effect my sugar. I have a very low tolerance for carbs like bread, pasta, etc. As I look back over my numbers I realize the 2 hours after are all over the place. Thankfully I have tried several of your recipes. I have enjoyed them and I noticed that after eating them my numbers are far lower. Thank you for all your wonderful information. Honestly I get a little overwhelmed with it all sometimes, but then I set it aside and come back to it later. In the 5 plus years since my diagnosis, yours is the most information I’ve ever received. I had about 30 minutes with a diabetes specialist who gave me a meter, suggested I eat x amounts of carbs and sent me on my way. I was left to try to figure out what exactly that meant and until I found DMP I still wasn’t sure. I will continue reading your articles, trying your recipes and getting a better handle on my diabetes. Thank you for all you do!!!”
Tanya: “Once I do everything the DMP team suggest I will be closer to normal blood sugar readings. I have a lot of work to do. The challenge helped me prepare. I am ready.”
Bill: “I found the information that was put out very helpful. The information on hidden sugars, low carb food, combinations for meal prep, the YouTube videos, and the natural supplements to help reduce insulin resistance in my body. I also appreciate the up to date specifics as opposed to the outdated generic information that prescription pushing Endocrinologist use to mask symptoms and keep you out of control. I am in control now, thank you for that!!”
Lorraine: “I lowered both fasting and after-meal blood sugar levels by about 20-30 mg/dl (1.1-1.7). Though I know my changes weren’t as much as I think I can do it has given me much more awareness of what I am eating. I will continue with these changes and hope for more results.”
Trudie: “In the 21 days I lost weight and lowered my after-meal and morning blood sugar. Thank you for all the info and encouragement during this time. I am determent to get my sugar levels as normal as can be and follow your advise.”
Pat O: “I had good control of my glucose before the challenge. However, the challenge improved my consistent low numbers for fasting and post meal. I also gained new information on recipes, sugar types, etc.”
Pat: “I enjoyed all the information you provided, especially the recipes. I also enjoyed reading about other people’s comments and their journey. I still need to lower my after meal readings and will continue to work on that. I know avoiding added sugar is a big part of that, which seems hard for me, but I will take it one day at a time. Thanks for all you did to put together this 21-day challenge.”
Tracy P: “This was just what I needed to open my eyes to what my numbers really are after meals. I had gotten to a point where I just ate and didn’t test very often. I thought I was in good control, but I now that I wasn’t. I looked back on my previous A1c’s and my lowest was 5.8. I just did blood work yesterday and the results came down from a 6.8 to a 6.3. I meet with my doctor next week and I plan to take my charts with all my numbers during the 21 day challenge. I’ve tried several recipes and they were all good. It’s been interesting to read everyone’s posts and I hope they continue with what they’ve learned even though this challenge is over. I know I plan to! Thanks for your feed back to questions and encouraging words along the way. It was much appreciated. Blessings to all of you!”
Irene P: “I have learnt a lot especially about the diet. You are very good. Thank you very, very much. You gave excellent information.”
Join The 21 Day Lower Blood Sugar Levels Challenge
Challenge registration is NOW CLOSED
*Registration for the challenge closes on Jan 9th at 10PM US Eastern Time or your timezone equivalent – sorry, we won’t be making any exceptions.