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When it comes to weight loss, or even just maintaining a healthy weight, 1500-1700 calories does seem to be the sweet spot for most. Of course, if you’re a very active person it could be more.
If you decrease your calories too much, say to 1200 calories, your body goes into starvation mode, storing fat rather than burning it.
To boost your metabolism, you want to go lower than the normal person might eat – 1800-2400 calories (or sometimes way more in the modern world!) but not so low that it sloooows your metabolism down. So, like I said 1500-1700 calories does seem to be the sweet spot for most.
On a side note, some very low calorie diets have been proven to work (we’re talking below 1000 calories), but only when under supervision – meaning, they are not suited to the everyday person living an everyday life.
Calories In Food Are Not Created Equal
Whether you’re a diabetic or not, there’s another very important fact to consider – the quality of the food you eat. You can eat 2000 calories or reduce your caloric intake to 1200 but if you’re still eating junk, it will make a huge metabolic difference.

For instance…
Junk foods are going to have a very different impact on:
- Digestive processes: clogging you up, making you sluggish, damaging gut health
- Nutrient content: lack of vitamins and minerals, too many sugars and carbohydrates
- The way your body responds: insulin levels spike, excess carbohydrate gets stored as fat, bad trans fats get stored as fats and damage health
- Body composition: create more fat than muscle, flabby skin
Healthy nutritious foods such as good quality proteins, loads of veggies, and good fat sources:
- Digestive processes: aids the body to function at it’s optimum, ability to absorb nutrients
- Nutrient content: packed with vitamins and minerals, fiber, protein, and the right amount of carbohydrate to support weight loss and improved health
- The way your body responds: insulin levels stay steady, blood glucose levels stay controlled, body effectively burns fat, you feel and function better on an everyday basis
- Body composition: build lean muscle mass, toned muscle, healthy skin
The point is, if you want to achieve weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and better health, eating QUALITY foods is your priority.
Check out our weight loss food list as an example of the types of clean foods you need to be eating.
Okay, with all that said, I know why you’re here…for the type 2 diabetic 1500 calorie meal plan. So here goes…

1500 Calorie Meal Plan (2 Day Sample)
This meal plan follows the principles we just talked about above – clean, healthy, whole foods = QUALITY FOOD.
It also follows a lower carb approach, which is what research shows works best – for both weight loss, lowering blood sugar, and other health outcomes. It keeps carbs at around ~80g per day, which is what seems to work well to help many of our members and subscribers get results.
[ultimate-recipe-meal-plan id=”2-day-weight-loss-meal-plan-sample”]
Here’s a short video, to show you how our recipe and meal planner features work.
NOTE: You won’t be able to “Save to Meal Planner.” This is a feature for our paid members who get access to a wide variety of meal planning features.
You can check out all our membership options over here.
In the meantime, go ahead, print out the plan above, generate your shopping list, print or access the recipe instructions on your “smart” device, and enjoy delicious meals and a meal plan that will help you get results.
Happy Eating!
Looking for more 1500 calorie meal plans?
Check out our 4 week “Smart” weight loss meal plans.
Watch this short video 1 minute video.

Hi Jedda,
I recently joined this website I am 66 yo and diagnosed with prediabetes. I have a nutritionist but her recommendations are not working. I need meal plans that work. I do not eat beef, pork, cheese. I eat chicken occasionally. I mostly eat beans. Can you work with me? Thanks. I am 105 lbs down from 117 lbs, but would like to gain weight. 117 lbs. at 5 feet tall was my ideal weight. Thank u
We do not work with people individually, Elsa, but you can subscribe to our meal plans for some awesome recipes. And yes, we have vegetarian meals as well!
You may find this vegetarian food list helpful. (It’s perfectly fine to eat chicken as well, but I am including the vegetarian list since it seems like that better matches your current eating style.) Lastly, make sure to include plenty of healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, coconut oil and avocados to help with your weight gain.
Print links and shopping list aren’t working for me. :( I’m trying on both my computer and smartphone. I would really like to try this sample plan, it looks awesome!
I will have tech team look into it as soon as they can Baily. Thanks for letting us know.
Thank you so much Jedha! If you think of it, will you let me know when it is up and running? Great work!
I just got my 1500 calorie meal plan and I am thrilled……I feel like I have my own personal coach … have been so helpful to me in trying to gain weight while keeping my numbers under control. I am starting this plan tomorrow and I will keep you posted. I am excited.
Glad you’re making great progress Marie. You’ll be even more excited next week Marie. We have some info on how to easily bring it up to 2000+ calories for weight gain. And please do keep us posted. We love hearing the updates :)