Type 2 Diabetes Please Help Me: I’m overwhelmed why should I try?
First off, let me just say, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and shouting out on the inside “someone, please help me,” that’s okay. You have a right to feel that way. Type 2 …
First off, let me just say, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and shouting out on the inside “someone, please help me,” that’s okay. You have a right to feel that way. Type 2 …
People with type 2 diabetes are more likely to suffer oral health complications. In fact, your risk is increased 2-3 fold compared with the rest of the population. This makes it especially important …
We’ve recently had a number of similar questions, for example: “Is quinoa a no no for type 2 diabetes or is it okay? I know that technically it is a seed not a grain, so I was wondering …
We’ve had a number of questions about fasting and diabetes recently — Is it okay? Will my sugars still rise? Can it help lower my numbers? Will it help me lose weight? Today I’m hoping to …
If you’ve followed Diabetes Meal Plans for sometime now, you’re probably well aware that we encourage a low carb diabetic diet. If you’re new to our community, now you know. ;) Over …
When it comes to blood sugar levels, the numbers always seem to confuse people. So we’re here today to cover a whole range of reader questions that have come in. If you have questions of your …
Beautiful in color and versatile in use, bell peppers are the sweet, crunchy fruit of the Capsicum Annuum plant. Though they are technically a fruit, for culinary and nutritional purposes they are …
Broccoli is a beloved cruciferous vegetable to many. A close cousin of cauliflower and in the same family as cabbage, onions and Brussels sprouts, it provides a very unique taste and texture and is …
Hooray for you! You’re curious to know more about type 2 diabetes and that’s great because the World Health Organization reports: “The number of people with diabetes has risen from …
The good news is, you’re prediabetic! While that still might be a hard pill to swallow, the fact is, a person can be prediabetic for up to 10 years before getting a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. …
While traditional cucumbers are long and green, they can come in a variety of colors, including white and orange. They also come in various sizes and shapes, including more rounded or oval. …
Real People; Real Results! Lisa shares a glimpse of her journey to reverse prediabetes, dropping her A1c from 6.0 to 5.5, losing 13 pounds (6kg), and improving her overall health—all in just six …
It’s estimated that more than 50% of people with diabetes take supplements. You’ve probably heard of many supplemental options that seem too good to be true. Cinnamon can cure diabetes, protein drinks …
If you define cure as it’s most commonly understood: “a healing or remedy by which health is restored,” then in all accuracy, weight loss is not a “cure” for type 2 diabetes. That …
Happy January!!! I hope the holidays have found you well. While I’m sure you may have eaten foods and portions outside the normal routine, I hope you’ve not gotten yourself too far in the hole in …
In addition to the stress, temptations and hustle-bustle of the holiday season, emotionalism sneaks in along with childhood favs and nostalgia. It doesn’t take any time for me to conjure up special …
This long list of type 2 diabetes treatment facts is here to help you get better results. According to the International Diabetes Federation, there were 415 million people with diabetes in 2015, which …
Here we go once again – ready or not, the holidays are looming ahead! This year I noticed Hobby Lobby had their Christmas items out and on sale in August! And along with the festivities, …
There are hundreds of varieties of tomatoes with slight differences in color, texture and flavor; however, there is very little difference in the plethora of nutritional benefits they offer. One …
Nearly every single one of us comes up against the sugar cravings every now and again. For some of us, it’s on a daily basis. It’s made all the more difficult because everywhere you go sugar is …
Chances are, you’ve heard of Glycemic Index (GI) related to diabetes foods before. And while we often hear about how many calories, carbs, or fat a certain food item contains, few of us are familiar …
What was the last thing you ate? Why did you eat it? Okay, now think about what you ate yesterday…can you remember? If so, how much thought and planning went into those choices? If you can easily …
While we are predominantly a diet, food and lifestyle site, we are always discussing diabetic health topics, sometimes ones that no one wants to tackle – like sexual dysfunction in diabetes. …
What if I told you there were billions of bugs crawling around inside of you? If that idea creeps you out, I regret to inform you that for every one of your human cells, there are about 10 of these …
We’ve all felt sad or down from time to time. It’s a simple fact of life that challenges and hardships come to us all. And part of the coping process involves dealing with emotions. However, if this …
How is your blood sugar control? More importantly, how is it compared to a year ago? Even slow progress in the right direction is a good sign. Have you set a realistic goal for your blood sugar? …
We’ve collected a combo of diabetic diet questions with the corresponding answers and resources below. 1. My sugar levels are always shooting high no matter what I eat. That’s frustrating. I …
We often have the same repetitive questions arise around blood sugar, so we’ve collected a range of them and put together some short answers below. 1. What should my fasting blood sugar levels …
Remember High School algebra? Problem after problem wondering, when am I EVER going to use this? I sure remember thinking that on more than one occasion. Well, it turns out math does have more …
Do you like sauerkraut? The answer may be yes. Or perhaps you have never tried it, yet. Did you know that it can be one of the simplest (2 ingredients!) healthy recipes to prepare at only pennies per …
While not ideal, eating out is certainly inevitable for most of us in this day and age. And though being mindful that most meals you prepare at home can be healthier, less expensive, and tastier, the …
Welcome to Fitness Friday! Where we help provide exercise options and motivation to move more. This is a new thing we’ve added to the DMP blog because so many people kept asking about it. Your …
First things first. Exercise is something EVERYBODY should be doing! In the same way that a person shouldn’t only eat a healthy diet when they have diabetes, a person shouldn’t only exercise if …
Have you ever checked your blood sugar and found it to be 50 (2.8 mmol/l) or more points higher than you’d expected? Say it normally runs in the low 100s (5.6-7). Suddenly you see a reading of 215 …
Sick and Tired of Thinking About What You Should Eat? Looking for Some New Low Carb Meal Inspiration? Try this deliciously awesome 7 Day Prep Ahead Meal Plan! The idea of a ‘Prep Ahead Meal Plan,’ …
Blood sugar monitoring can be a bit of a chore but it is important to get into a good monitoring routine. I know the numbers can sometimes be surprising, such is having high morning levels when you …
As a type 2 diabetic, you’ve probably heard of Metformin, or you might even be taking it yourself. Metformin (brand name “Glucophage” aka “glucose-eater”) is the most commonly prescribed …
Having type 2 diabetes can be overwhelming. Not only are you expected to make drastic changes to your diet and lifestyle, but when you go to the doctor, talk with friends, and start doing a bit of …
We all get hungry in between meals. So instead of reaching for those chips and nasty saltine crackers, opt for one of these easy tasty snacks instead. They are all low in carbs and perfectly diabetic …
So, you’ve changed some things and made some progress but you want to get better results… Well that’s great news!! Since our health is so important, it’s always great to …