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If there was a magical drink that could help boost metabolism and weight loss, cleanse and detox your fatty liver, stimulate your digestive function, and even improve your skin, would that be the kind of drink you’d want to know about?
Well, listen up because there is a super simple drink that has helped many people do the things just mentioned above.
Many, many people have used this super simple drink (thousands in fact) and reported how it’s helped them boost their metabolism and weight loss efforts.
Check out these reports…
Emily said: This works and got me out of a weight loss stall that lasted for 3 weeks despite my healthy eating and exercise! Started this 4 days ago and have lost a pound each day I’ve done it!
Ellca said: Thank you for the information. Today i started the morning drink and i love its effects and im so energize and feelin fresh all the way…..
Now let’s just say up front that this drink is best combined with a quality nutrition plan. But if you’re struggling to get started with your weight loss, or stuck on a plateau, adding something as simple as this drink will make a huge difference!
So what is this magical drink? Let’s dig into that now.
Morning Drink Recipe
This diabetic weight loss and wellness drink is so incredibly simple.
Here’s the recipe:
Place the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a mug. Fill the mug with warm water and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach – just like you’d have a cup of tea or coffee in the morning.
Instead of your normal coffee, you’re going to have this lemon and apple cider drink. Then wait at least 15 minutes before you have any other food or drink.
It’s a bit bitter and tangy, so it can take a bit of getting used to, but it’s well worth it for the benefits it provides.
In fact, studies have highlighted how these ingredients can positively influence blood sugar regulation, digestion, and more.
So, let’s go over those benefits now.
Ingredients: Lemon Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar
Benefits of Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C, antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids that provide numerous health benefits:
- Supports Liver Function: Lemon juice helps stimulate bile production, aiding in the liver’s detoxification processes and enhancing fat metabolism.
- Rich in Antioxidants: Compounds like eriocitrin and hesperidin help reduce oxidative stress, which is linked to complications in diabetes.
- Aids Digestion: Lemon juice promotes digestive enzyme production and improves nutrient absorption.
- Potential Weight Loss Support: Animal studies suggest lemon polyphenols may reduce fat accumulation and improve cholesterol metabolism.
- Wellness-boosting properties: Lemon provides powerful antioxidant capacity, it has antiviral, anti bacterial and immune boosting properties to promote wellness on many levels.
Overall, lemon is a cleansing fruit for the entire body!
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid and beneficial enzymes with a range of health-promoting properties:
- Blood Sugar Regulation: Clinical studies show that consuming apple cider vinegar helps lower postprandial blood glucose and improve insulin sensitivity.
- Gut Health Booster: As a prebiotic, apple cider vinegar supports beneficial gut bacteria, crucial for digestion and immune function.
- Heartburn Remedy: Apple cider vinegar stimulates stomach acid production, alleviating reflux and promoting effective digestion.
- Immune Function: With antibacterial and antiviral properties, apple cider vinegar supports a healthy immune system.
- Promotes Weight Loss: Studies have demonstrated that apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning can lead to around 7 pounds (3kg) weight loss in 12 weeks, without changing other factors.
Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a natural remedy for many things. It has natural anti bacterial and anti viral properties.
These two simple ingredients that have long been used as traditional remedies for many ailments and it’s probably because they do in fact have lots of amazing health benefits!
Let’s look at their benefits more closely, and in particular why these ingredients target weight and improve wellness.
Health Benefits of Lemon & Apple Cider Vinegar For Metabolism, Weight Loss & Wellness
Aids Digestion
If you’re in the process of losing weight or improving your health, chances are you’ve come into it with a body that is way out of balance – a metabolism that isn’t functioning quite right and needs a bit of a boost.
The digestive system is the place where our metabolism starts – from the mouth down. Your digestive system is key in helping you effectively metabolize your food, extract nutrients, and eliminate toxins. The digestive system can become inhibited by the consumption of highly processed foods and eating an unhealthy diet.
This little magic drink greatly helps with the stimulation of digestive enzymes throughout your gut – starting in the mouth by stimulating salivary juices.
There are thousands of these enzymes working hard to digest your food effectively so giving them a helping hand is a very beneficial thing. It also helps to assist with better elimination by stimulating the bowel. If you suffer from constipation it can be a great help in that region, too.
Boost Immune Function
Raw apple cider vinegar is a tonic for your overall immune system, it’s loaded with those enzymes we just mentioned, and also beneficial bacteria. More and more research is revealing the importance of having a good balance of healthy gut bacteria.
And did you know that more than 70% of our immune function starts in the gut with these bacteria?
Think about it. Our digestive system is the first contact our body has with the outside world. So these gut bacteria are responsible to sort out what comes through and what doesn’t. When our gut bacteria get out of balance we can have more ‘bad guys’ letting things through that they shouldn’t, we can get increased inflammation, and our immune function can become impaired.
Being a fermented food source, apple cider vinegar is considered a prebiotic food that helps promote healthy gut bacteria and therefore promotes better immune function.
Apple cider vinegar also promotes stomach acid production, so it’s a great remedy for heart burn or reflux. You could say it helps wake things up and this can only be a good thing.
Reduce Blood Glucose and Insulin

One of the reasons this drink may be so helpful is that vinegar helps reduce blood glucose levels. This is well documented in science.
Quite amazingly, “before the production and marketing of hypoglycemic agents, vinegar “teas” were commonly consumed by diabetics to help manage their chronic aliment.”
Studies show apple cider vinegar improves fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels, and lowers A1c.
If we can keep blood glucose regulated we have less insulin production. Insulin is the fat storage hormone and its job is to push excess glucose out of the bloodstream, and where does it end up? Stored as fat.
So regardless of whether we’re diabetic or not, by reducing blood glucose and insulin we naturally have less fat storage – it’s simple biochemistry.
Cleanse and Detoxify the Liver
The liver is an amazing organ and is responsible for processing all the nutrients we eat and then shipping them out to the various parts of our body. It’s basically a filter for all our bad habits, helping to process the toxins we constantly bombard our bodies with.
The liver is highly important in diabetes as many people get a fatty liver. Because the liver is so intricately involved with nutrient metabolism, anything that helps it function better is going to help you.
This lemon-vinegar drink helps to cleanse toxins out of the liver and also stimulates liver function, promoting more effective and efficient processing of nutrients, including increasing fat metabolism.
Boost Metabolism and Weight Loss
Metabolic function basically includes all the stuff that goes on in our bodies, the stuff we don’t see that helps regulate things like weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
Lots of studies suggest that the flavonoids in lemon and citrus, known as hesperidin and naringin, help with “regulating the fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism and affecting the gene expression of glucose-regulating enzymes.
Another study showed that lemon flavonoids help reduce cholesterol and fat in the liver. And yet another study showed that lemon polyphenols reduces weight gain and fat accumulation.
One additional benefit is that it often helps to decrease sugar cravings and regulate appetite.
Plus, studies show apple cider vinegar targets fat directly, leading to weight loss when taken first thing in the morning.
Overall the benefit is that when you kick start the day on a good foot like this, it often means the rest of the day is going to be great too!
Reduce Oxidative stress
This may not be directed related to weight loss or metabolism, but it’s definitely a great health benefit worth mentioning.
Oxidative stress causes changes and damage to certain cells in the body and can lead to the development of diabetic complications.
One animal study showed that two antioxidant flavonoids in lemon – eriocitrin and hesperidin – reduce oxidative stress.
Improves Skin
Another benefit that isn’t proven by science but has been noted by many people is that this drink helps improve the skin.
It makes sense. Healthy skin starts from the inside out, so cleansing the liver and getting things functioning better is naturally going to have a positive effect on your overall glow!
Please pin, tweet or share; then keep reading below for FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use bottled lemon juice instead of fresh lemon?
Yes you can but it won’t have as many antioxidants and nutrients as using fresh lemon. Some of the quality does get affected through storage.
Can I use lime instead of lemon?
Yes, lime has very similar properties to lemon.
What else can I use instead of apple cider?
There isn’t really anything else you can use but if you really don’t like apple cider, just use the lemon water instead.
I’m in love with this drink. I drink it all day long.. is there a reason not to ???
No known reason. In fact, it may provide added benefits, such as lowering morning blood sugar levels. Go ahead, drink it all you like!
Does the apple cider vinegar have to be raw/organic??? Or can I use the generic kind?
A good quality raw apple cider vinegar, such as this quality vinegar from Dynamic Health, is best. It is raw and unpasteurized and contains all the beneficial enzymes and bacteria.
Of course, if you can’t get the good quality stuff a generic vinegar will still provide some benefits – so don’t let it deter you from using the supermarket bought stuff if that’s all you can access.
Can I drink this with green tea?
Green tea certainly has health benefits of its own. But, it’s best to have on its own on an empty stomach, then wait 15 minutes before you have your green tea or anything else.
Can you use the apple cider vinegar capsules instead of the vinegar?
If you really can’t stomach the apple cider vinegar, then you can use apple cider vinegar capsules, although the bioavailability—the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream—will be lower and the effect may not be as beneficial. Most scientific studies on apple cider vinegar health benefits have utilized the liquid form. Make sure they are quality apple cider capsules.
How long should I wait after drinking this before eating breakfast?
Wait at least 15 minutes, just to give the drink enough time to digest before taking in any other food or drink.
Is it okay to drink this everyday? Or should you only do it for a week or so at a time?
The idea is that you do this every single morning. It’s a great health practice for the long term.
Could you drink it with just cold water? Or is that bad?
Make it lukewarm, it’s better if it’s body temperature.
Can I add ginger to the drink?
Yes, you could add some finely sliced or grated fresh ginger, it’s also known to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation. Another thing you could add is 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Cinnamon is well known to lower blood glucose as well.
Does this drink effect your teeth?
We’ve never seen people have any problems but a dental nurse once suggested if you are drinking this every day, it may be best to use a straw.
If you want to be cautionary, then have your morning tea with a straw. You could use one of those fun twirly straws – didn’t you love those as a kid?
There you have it. Scroll back up to the top and note down the recipe so you can get started tomorrow. Or better yet, enter your details below and we’ll deliver the recipe straight to your inbox!
Hope you notice some great benefits from it like lots of other people do.
Please pin it, share it, or tweet it. Someone else may find this helpful too.
Why not just tap water instead of filtered water?
Lindy, tap water, boiled for the warm drink will be fine.
Can I mix ahead for 7 days apple cider vinger with lemon juice from refrigerator together for a quicker set up.Allso what the difference taking a apple cider vinger herb and drink a warm lemon water.Thank you
Hi Carrie, yes, you can do that and keep in the fridge. The capsules may still work and some people use them as they don’t like the taste, but using the actual vinegar is best.
Would lemon oil work as well as juice??
Not sure about that Shirley, I’d say lemon juice is the way to go.
I could not find the recipe for this!
It’s tucked awhile mid-article. Here you go!
Place the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a mug. Fill the mug with warm filtered water and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach – just like you’d have a cup of tea or coffee in the morning.
Can I use a temperature that I would use for hot tea?
You can use hot water, though the drink is best consumed warm.
I’ve been looking for the exact recipe for a long time and I would get the run around. So thank you for that. I will subscribe to you . Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Can I make enough for the week or do I have to make it daily?
You might be better off making it in 2 or 3 day increments. Fresh lemon has the highest level of antioxidants and nutrients, letting it sit in the fridge could effect some of these health benefits.
Can you use the ACV pills instead of the vinegar?
You can and some people prefer it, but we don’t know if the drink will be as effective.
Thank you for the recipe , I use to drink lemon alone but I will try w/a cider vinegar
Can one use this drink if one doesn’t want to lose weight?
Yes, there is no harm in using this drink even if you’re already at a healthy weight. Weight loss will only occur if an individual has the weight to lose.
Hi I am very much pleased to use this drink but the main thing I’m using thyroid tab 100mcg & also heart patient I want to reduce my belly so tell me this drink is helpful for me
This drink is generally considered safe and many of our readers, with heart and thyroid conditions, are able to safely consume. (Think: Do you currently consume foods with lemon and vinegar?) With that being said, your doctor would be able to thoroughly review your medication to rule out any drug interactions as an extra precaution. This drink, in combination with a healthy diet and active lifestyle, can help reduce belly fat.
How long does it take to see the results a month a few months and does it have to be taken every day
For best results you would want to take it as consistently as possible (ie. everyday.) Remember, this isn’t a magic pill. So there is no guarantee that this alone will necessarily yield the results you are looking for. If you combine this drink with a healthy diet and exercise, then you will see some weight loss start within the month.
I was wondering if it’s ok to add some honey to the drink? Please let me know. Thanks so much
Honey is going to raise your blood sugar just like regular table sugar, so I would not recommend doing so. You can find more information on honey over here!
Hi I take Metformin 500mg 2x/daily and NP Thyroid upon awakening. Is it safe to take with these meds and will it lower my blood sugar too much ?
Hi Lisa – both medications are considered safe and just ensure you are taking them as your doctor prescribed. Metformin will help lower your blood sugar but it is unlikely that it would lower it too much. If you have further concerns about either medication I would recommend discussing with your physician!
I am concerned about this because I just read tonight that Apple cider vinegar is not recommended for diabetics because it lowers the blood sugar very low. It didn’t state how fast it works though but said it is a problem for diabetics. What research have you done on this. I was looking g at taking it myself but now I’m not sure.
Hi Diann, not sure where you heard that info but it sounds exaggerated. Apple cider vinegar can certainly help to lower blood sugar levels, which is why many people use it in their menu. As far as we know, there have never been any reports of where people have hypoglycemia from AVC, which is a natural food with many benefits. That said, any food can influence an individual in different ways. You can read more about AVC here and the research on how vinegar can help morning levels. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare team for individual guidance.
This is 1 tsp. I drink 1 Tbsp with meals. It helps with digestion. Mine hasn’t gone too low at all in the last 14 months I’ve gone low carb. I have been able to get off the diabetic Rxs (I was at maximum dosage) and this following ten years of uncontrolled diabetes.
Hi Ernie, the recipe was not removed, it is in the info above.
Can this be made in a larger batch and kept in the fridge to warm each morning?
Yes it can.
I take medicine for hypothyroidism every morning 1 hour before eating. Can I take my medicine with this drink or should I wait an hour and then drink the juice? Thank you.
Hi Ana, Always ask your doctor about questions regarding medication to check for any contraindications.
Can I add stevia or monk fruit sweetner to the vinegar and lemon drink?
Yes, that will be a fine inclusions Barbara.
What are the amounts of Water, Lemon & apple cider morning mixture?
Find the recipe in the article above.
May I add a teaspoon of pure honey to lemon and applesider vinegar mix
Not recommended Maureen – honey is pure sugar so not very helpful for blood sugar or weight.
Is it ok to eliminate the lemon? I’m allergic to it
Yes, the apple cider vinegar will still be beneficial.
How will interact if your taking diabetes meds?
There should be no side effects from this drink, however always check with your doctor about specific contraindications related to your specific meds.
If you are using bottled lemon juice with the apple cider vinegar in this drink, how much lemon juice should you use?
Hi Nancy, you would use about 1 tablespoon of bottled lemon juice
How can this help lower blood sugar count if I drink mix after checking blood sample?
Hi Carol, this drink can potentially lower your blood sugar throughout the day. When you check your sugars is up to you!
Excited to start my daily wellness drink , please include the recpie for me .
Hi Diana, you can find the recipe in the article. : )
I was wondering if this drink is safe for a child/ren to drink?
(7 & 17- y/o obese with diabetes)
There should be no harm with lemon and apple cider vinegar as both a natural ingredients with many health benefits. Though to be clear, we specialize in adult nutrition, so you would need to confirm with a children’s nutritionist.
My good
question regarding 4wk weight loss- why is tea/coffee restricted to 1 per day? I like to drink tea and I don’t put anything but stevia in. Thanks,
Hi Selene, to keep caffeine limited as it can raise blood sugar and affect metabolism. Try drinking green tea or herbals instead. For any other questions related to the program, can you please ask them in the Members Chat Area, not here on the blog. Thanks :)
I have type 2 Diabetes and started this morning with this drink 11:30 on an empty stomach. I did however incurred a terrible headache at 18:00? Bloodglucose 14.3 at that time. Could it be a result of the detoxing drink?
Hi Sonika, without knowing what else you had been eating that day it is hard to pinpoint if the drink had anything to do with your headache. The headache could have been from your high blood glucose and not related to the drink at all.
Thank you Malorie. I’ve been drinking it daily and did not incur further headaches. Probably something else.
You are welcome!
I’m NOT diabetic but this sounds great for prevention. I’m going to start tomorrow.
Is it ok to add cayenne pepper?
Thank you!
Hi Liz,
Yes, you could add the cayenne pepper if you prefer it.
Thank you so much!!!!
Thank you so much for the information, my apple cider vinegar with lemon juice and turmeric journey . starts tomorrow God willing 7/24/2019 ………Thx.
I’m sorry, I was trying to ask: “ u said you can add cinnamon n ginger to tonic, can u also add turmeric? If so, how much turmeric and pepper should I add!”
You said UCSB add ginger n cinnamon to the tonic, can u also add turmeric? If so, how much turmeric n pepper should I add?
Any spice would be fine to add if it is something that tastes appealing to you– many spices and herbs have numerous health benefits so the more often you consume them the better. I would start with maybe 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric and adjust to your liking.
Can I use Meyers lemons – or would that be too sweet?
The nutrition facts for Meyers lemons are similar to other lemons so they will be fine to use.
Can u drink this if ur taking blood thinners
This drink is generally considered safe to take, however your doctor would be able to give you a more definite answer because they will know your full medical history and all medications you are on.
hi! I’m prediabetic and taking metformin pills. Is it ok to have this drink?
This drink should be fine to use while taking metformin, however your best bet is to always check with your doctor as they know your full medical history.
When would be the best time to have this drink after taking my thyroid pill. I take it first thing in the morning .. I usually have breakfast anywhere from an hour after taking the medication to first break at work..(10ish).. How long after having the drink can I eat..
This would be a great question to ask your doctor, Pearl. Many thyroid medications need to be consumed on an empty stomach for upwards of 60 minutes, however a beverage may be able to be consumed earlier than that.
Once you start drinking this and get results, is this something you will have to do forever?
It is perfectly fine to continue indefinitely if you choose, Jackie.
Can a person with gestational diabetes drink this ? Currently expecting but want to try this
Being that lemon juice and apple cider vinegar are both safe in pregnancy there are no contraindications that I am aware of. You may still wish to check with your doctor, especially if there is a concern you’re blood sugar may lower after consuming.
I’ve been meaning to try this but my question is if I have a lot of indigestion which my doctor thinks Its gastritis and was thinking the lemon and cider don’t they have a lot of acid? Won’t it make me sick if I drink it on an empty stomach?
Because I’ve tried it at night before bed and nothing happens.. but i haven’t tried on an empty stomach .
There is some preliminary research that actually states ACV may help with reflux and indigestion. But depending on how severe your indigestion is, it may be best to just continue taking it at night as there is nothing wrong with taking it at this time. (It’s actually when I prefer to take mine as well.)
If a use the lemon. That I use for my lemonade; cause I like the skin cooking mean a lots i decide too cook and dry k that water is bitter. Buy it may help for somenthig?
Not sure I understand your question?? You want to use cooked lemon?
What about agave to sweeten as it lowers glucose?
Agave does not lower glucose! That is a common myth; your body will respond to sugar and agave the same.
I’m curious. Do you test for fasting blood glucose before this drink or when you start to eat breakfast after the 15 + minute wait?
True fasting blood sugar would be before this drink.
Can you drink before every meal or just breakfast?
You can drink it before every meal if you want to. The vinegar helps blood sugar too, so you’ll only benefit.
Can I still have coffee after I drink this each morning if I wait 20 to 30 minutes? I drink my coffee black, nothing added or do I need to give up coffee all together in the morning?
Yes, no problem there.
Does not give say how much lemon juice to how much apple cider vinegar and water
The recipe is as follows: Place the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a mug. Fill the mug with warm filtered water. I would suggest about 1 cup of warm water, but you can adjust depending on how diluted you like/need it.
Does DMP have a “Green Drink” recipe?
I am a type 2 diabetic and I use the following “Green Drink” recipe:
1 cup coconut water
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp Matcha tea powder
1 cup fresh baby kale
1 cup fresh baby spinach
1/4 ripe Hess avocado
1 cup crushed ice
2-4 Tbsp blueberries fresh or frozen
We do somewhere, but this sounds delish – will definitely give it a try. Thanks for sharing Roger.
Dear Jedha,
Wonderful to have 1/2 lime and 1 tsf ACV it’s almost 2 months passed
There is improvement are there any side effects of ACV ? Can I continue for another 2 months or more please advice.
Yours in Him,
Bishop dr treveli
You’ll be happy to know ACV has no side effects to report! You may continue the drink as long as you would like, especially if you are seeing improvements.
When I drink the lemon and vinegar, how long to wait before taking any diabetic medication
You always want to take medication as prescribed by your doctor- for example, if you were instructed to take your medication before meals, then you want to continue to do so regardless of when you drink the lemon and vinegar beverage. If you are concerned that the lemon and vinegar drink plus the medication may lower your blood sugar too much, then you need to ask your doctor for specific recommendations regarding changing the timing and/or dosing.
Hi Jedha,
Can you make this and put it in a two quart pitcher and drink on it for a few days or is it better to do it every morning? If you can make it to put it in the pitcher, how much of each would you put? Thanks for sharing your recipe.
Your best bet is to make it fresh each morning. Storage will decrease the antioxidant content in the lemons, and therefore lessen some of the health benefits.
I was diagnosed as a type 2 pre diabetic in Feb and started looking online to help me get on track with eating choices so I don’t have to take medication. I have to say, this has been the most informative website I have stumbled on and I’d like to thank you so much for all the in depth information you provide. I look forward to your new articles in my email box!
I will be trying this lemon/acv drink as I’d like to get to a normal range of bc/a1c levels.
Thanks again and keep those informative articles coming in!
Can you use real lemon juice or is freshly squeezed lemons better?
Of course you can use real lemon juice, but just as it was mentioned in the article, remember that some of the quality does get affected through storage. This means bottled lemon juice won’t have as many antioxidants and nutrients, but again it’s still an acceptable substitution if this is what’s most readily available to you. Let us know how you like the drink once you give it a try!
However, for me it is cheaper just for lemon juice and can u put extra lemon juice
Typically fresh squeezed lemon juice is preferred, as this will have a higher nutrient content compared to prepackaged lemon juice. However, I do not believe there would be any adverse effects if you choose to use lemon juice. Adding extra lemon should be just fine as well!
Can I drink this is I suffer from acid reflex?
It can vary from person to person, but generally it should be fine Mia. You’d assume that acid would cause more acid but in many cases, adding acetic acid (from apple cider) actually helps reflux because it helps balance stomach acids and promotes healthy gut bacteria. Of course, if you notice it does make you worse, then you should stop using it.
Can you use this drink if you have gastroparesis?
Please check with your doctor or healthcare team.
Antioxidants simply doesn’t work like that though… Our body produce them itself, and the ones we consume, a max of about 1%, ends up in our bloodstream, as it is fragile and breaks down in the stomach fast!
Can I drink this if I am taking metformin, the diabetic medication?
Generally it’s considered safe. But with anything you add to your diet or lifestyle, it’s best to test and monitor closely to see how it influences you.
Can i just drink the vinegar without the lemon? And drink a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon?
Yes Lisa. Apple cider vinegar has some known benefits for blood sugar regulation and weight loss.
Hi I wonder if i stop take my medicine for diabetic from doctor while i take this acv n lemon n water? Or keep it with doctor medicines?
You never want to stop taking medication without discussing with your doctor first! As indicated in the article, this drink can be very beneficial to blood glucose levels and it’s possible that over time your doctor may be able to reduce or eliminate some/all of your medications. Make sure to pair the drink with a low carb, healthy diet for the best results!
I have used this drink for a month now. I didn’t notice much after a week, but after that my sugar level was between 80-100 both morning and night and has remained in that range for three weeks. Needless to say, I am pleased. Haven’t noticed a weight change however.
Great result Marilyn!
dear Jedha
I live in the tropics and there’s no lemon we have what they called sour orange can I use them. Sour orange is a small fruit (like kumquats) and its lemon for the tropical island. If I can use them how many? thank you
I’m not overly familiar with sour orange Terry, so wouldn’t know if it would be effective. However, after taking a quick look I don’t see why you couldn’t give it a try in place of lemon. Aim for 1/2 of one for the drink.
I have heard about this drink and adding stevia sweetner makes it much easier to drink. My diabetics use stevia. Your thoughts.
Sure, stevia can definitely make it easier for some people but if they can have it without it will have a far better effect.
Can I drink it without the water? Just lemon and apple cider vinegar
Sure but I’d follow it with a glass of water Agnes.
I do something very similar to this every morning. I mix a quarter lime, 1 tbs ACV (with mother), 1 tbs Honey, 1/8 tsp Cumin, 1/8 Tsp Cayenne Pepper, 1/8 Tsp ground Rosemary with 8 oz. Perrier Mineral Water. Tastes nasty as hell and burns good for about 2-3 Minutes. Wait 30 Minutes before I eat Breakfast. After 3 weeks of this I have had to lower my dosage of 70/30 mix (Novolog) by 20 U in the Morning and 20 U in the evening, or I fall out with low blood sugar. My brother passed this on to me and he has had to drop his insulin as well. Not sure why all this stuff is necessary but it work! I think he calls it the Diabetic Protocol.
P.S. Make sure the ACV says with mother (it will look cloudy). Braggs is probably the best known but I also know that White house makes ACV with Mother also and it is just as good. Still gotta chug it while breathing though my mouth. The burps are just as bad! Ha Ha!
Sounds interesting John! Even the AVC and lemon alone works well. The other herbs have benefits for blood sugar and overall health too, like many herbs do. Like you say though, if it gets too nasty most people may not stomach it too well.
Thanks for sharing :)
Good Morning Jedha,
This is JoAnn again. Just wanted to let you know that with all your help everyday everything is still going great for me.I lost another two pounds last week, I know that probably may not happen each week but I understand that. I did know about the vinegar, my husband bought me a book about the wonderful things that vinegar can do. I’m starting on the tea tomorrow. It may not taste that great to some people but if it helps I think I can drink it down. I’m really enjoying each days post. I print each one out and have a notebook I keep them in along with my food diary,recipes and blood sugar readings. Thanks again for all the help.
Have a blessed day,
Fantastic JoAnn, 7 pounds down now so keep on going!! Keeping the logs is a great way to stay accountable and motivated :)
The tea isn’t actually that bad, a bit tart but you get used to it and it really does help. Look forward to your next update.
Hi Jedha
What else can I use beside lemon I’m allergic
Hi Rebecca, just skip the lemon and have the apple cider vinegar.
Thank you !! Jedha
Take my thyroid pill first thing in morning. Supposed to not eat within 30 minutes. Can I drink this lemon water with it or which should I do first.
Thanks and love your website
Hi DeAnna,
Thyroid medication should be taken on an empty stomach. Taking it with any food can affect absorption from stomach. That being said this is a beverage so taking it with this lemon/vinegar drink may be ok. As long as you are consistent and drink it every morning with your medication (key is consistently – before now you have been “consistently” taking it on an empty stomach). Your thyroid medication has been adjusted for your needs.
You should notify your doctor that you are doing this first just to make sure. They may need to monitor your blood TSH or thyroid level and adjust your medication in consideration of the addiction of this morning beverage.
Hi Jedha, is it possible to add a teaspoon of manuka honey to this drink. i just can’t get it down. :(
Hi Kerrie, I wouldn’t recommend honey because it really defeats the purpose of the drink. ALthough manuka honey is the best form of honey in the world, it is still honey – high in fructose/sugar that will increase blood glucose, not help it.
If you can’t stomach it, I’d just stick with water or try cinnamon tea instead.